I have been bookmarking a TON of recipes with blueberries, knowing I would soon be baking something with them. But out of all of those recipes, what sounded the best to me was just some good old-fashioned blueberry muffins. Sometimes less is more, people.
These muffins are super-fantastic because they have a streusel topping on them. The best blueberry muffins always have that sweet crumbly top, you know? I have to say (and I'm not tooting my own horn, here) that these were the best blueberry muffins I think I've ever had. I'm definitely keeping this recipe handy for future reference. It's a really quick, one-bowl recipe. The only thing I'll say is that if you're using frozen blueberries in the batter, make sure they're straight out of the freezer and stir them in gently so the batter doesn't get a funny color. :) Oh, and the original recipe says it makes 8 muffins. I definitely got 9 good-sized muffins out of the batter.
Blueberry Muffins
from Annie's Eats
makes 9 muffins
1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
approx 1/3 cup milk
1 cup (or more) of blueberries
Streusel topping:
1/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp plus 2 tsp flour
2 Tbsp cold butter, cubed
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease 9 muffin tins or line with muffin liners.
2. Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Place vegetable in a 1 cup measuring cup. Add the egg and milk to fill the cup. Mix this into the flour mixture. Gently fold in blueberries. Pour into lined muffin cups and fill to the top.
3. To make streusel topping, combine ingredients and mix well with a fork until crumbly. Sprinkle (or heap, as I did) over the tops of the muffins.
4. Bake at 400 for 20-25 minutes.

Wow. I take ridiculously awful pictures. One day I will join the food-blogger ranks and get a good camera. But for now, I have to use my phone. Oh well. They taste a whole lot better than they look.
I still have a ton of blueberries left, and Sherry also just gave me some crazy mutant lemons from her dad's lemon tree. So I'll be making a treat with lemons and blueberries this weekend! I'll post those soon!
Meanwhile, tonight, I'm going to The Columbia with my buddies from work. If you've never been to the Columbia, you need to come to Tampa RIGHTNOW and go. You don't know what you're missing. They have a few locations in the Tampa Bay area, and I grew up going to the one in Sarasota. But the one in Tampa is really the best. It's the original location from 1905, and the mobsters used to eat there! It's in the coolest historic building and on weekends they do flamenco shows! Plus, they have the best sangria in the world and the food is to DIE for. I don't even like mojitos and theirs are the best. Plus, I'm secretly Cuban. So I'm in my element.
P.S. Did anyone watch The Kennedys miniseries? I've been sitting on my ass since yesterday (with the exception of running earlier) watching it, alternating with episodes of Bones. I'm a little obsessed. Kbye.
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